HVBSA Opening Day! – March 22


Saturday, March 22

11:30 a.m.
Hopewell Municipal Complex, Chamberlain Field


All Spring HVBSA baseball and softball players are encouraged to participate and be recognized on the field. This is an opportunity for your child to don their uniform for the first time and parade onto the field representing their team!

50/50 Raffle
Photo Booth
Snack Stand (Venmo/Cash)
HVBSA Merchandise (Venmo/Cash)
Special Guests
…and more!


8:45 a.m. – Players dropped off at their respective fields/locations (teams organize)
9:15 a.m. – Teams begin parading onto Chamberlain Field
9:30 a.m. – Ceremony begins
10:15 a.m. – Ceremony ends / teams parade back to drop off location
10:15 a.m. – Games and silent auction opens
10:20 a.m. – Parents retrieve their children from drop off location


Player Drop-off Locations:
Tee Ball
– Volunteer Left Field
Rookie – Volunteer Right Field
Minors – Kelly Field
Majors – Chamberlain Batting Cages
Babe Ruth – Chamberlain Batting Cages
All Softball Teams – Pop Warner Football Field (West of Bacon Field)


8:45 a.m. – Drop-Off (Where to drop your child)
Teams will meet and organize prior to parading onto Chamberlain Field for the ceremony. Please have your child at their designated field/location for 8:45 a.m. fully dressed in their uniform. Coaches will organize the teams. Have your child look for their coach or fellow teammates upon arrival at their designated field.


9:15 a.m. – Players begin to parade onto field
All players will walk onto Chamberlain Field and parade to their viewing location. Players will walk with their team led by their coaches as well as baseball and softball players from HVCHS. The older divisions will lead the teams onto the field. The youngest divisions will enter the field last.


9:30 a.m. – Ceremony begins
Local dignitaries, law enforcement and fire safety leaders of our community will be in attendance. The national anthem will be sung by a local artist. There will be a couple of very short welcome speeches followed by a special surprise guest throwing out the ceremonial first pitch. The ceremony will conclude with a flyover by the New Jersey State Police.


10:15 a.m. – Ceremony ends | Games | Photo Booth |50/50 Raffle | Hopewell Valley Youth Football Cheering Association Table
Teams will parade back to their fields. Parents will not pick their children up at Chamberlain Field. The players and coaches will use two exits to leave the field so the children can return back to their respective fields quickly and join their parents. The youngest divisions will exit first. Parents will pick their children up at the field they dropped them off at.


The large yellow gates will be closed. Parents will not have car access inside these yellow gates. There will be parking in the lot off of Scotch Road, the municipal lot, the lot beyond right field at Chamberlain Field and by the skate park. Parents, please leave enough time for your child to get to their respective field by 9 a.m.


Opening Day Volunteer Opportunities
There are still opportunities available to volunteer for opening day and the snack bar. Please review the available slots and sign up for any/all that you can. This is an easy way to work toward your mandatory volunteer hours.


Snack Stand Open! (Venmo now accepted!)

  • Coffee
  • Donuts
  • Hot Pretzels
  • Hot Dogs
  • Pizza
  • Mac and Cheese
  • cup of noodles
  • And other snack items and drinks!


For questions about Opening Day, contact davidlgelf@gmail.com